
Anyone into it?

Abandoned Ep 1 half-way through - it seemed pretty formulaic, card-board cut-out characters, and TBH seemed more like a soap-opera than a proper drama series.

May watch 1888 which I think has better reviews.

First couple of seasons were good and a bit different but gets repetative pretty quickly (by season 4 its like "OH NO AN EVEN BIGGER BADDER OUTSIDER TRYING TO TAKE THE RANCH" - it also has strong "try that in a small town vibes to it" which is why its a darling of the american right. 

I'd be up for a series featuring Kevin Costner and Kelly Reilly, but I only found out about Yellowstone a few months ago, and they're already on season 5. 

So I'll be using my leisure time on something else.

Not saying its bad risky - i liked the first couple of seasons a lot - i think they just ran out of cool twists and ideas to keep it fresh by season 4 and 5. 

The mega corp instead of the dodgy twins was when it started getting a bit boring.