Women of Rof

Following on …

What vitamin supplements do you take / what do you recommend?

Ive just started evening primrose oil nearly a week in and I deffo feel like I’ve got more energy / balance in mood.

Usually take : omega 3, collagen, floradix, b12 and now EPO. 

I balance myself and my moods these days as if I am a grumpy old lioness. I accept I am a risk and potentially could say absolutely anything. Carefully balanced food, exercise and sleep to ensure I am not sent back to the zoo. 

Absolutely on the money Bullace!  

I’m only interested in what vitamin supplements other natal women of Rof are taking with a view to hopefully sharing insights as to what is helpful / not helpful as we sometimes have these kinds of supportive threads about women’s issues - menstruation, menopause etc

Why do some of youse take just certain Bs rather than a complex? I take a complex but now para I'm doing the wrong thing and targeted is better.

Vit D an essential for Britain for sure.

Also blackcurrant extract.

Absolutely nothing. Does everyone do this? I'm careful to eat very well, diet is mostly vegetables, but have never taken supplements. Following with interest.

In my case it’s because I’m missing the section of small intestine that absorbs fat soluble vitamins .. which most of the B’s are. 

so I have to double/triple load levels to try and get enough orally through the remaining bits. 

Other stuff I have to inject or absorb transdermally because the highly specialised bits of the intestine that do those ones are gone altogether… 

I’m also on a diet which prohibits me from eating most fruits and veg.. 


Omega3 (high EPA). Managed to find ones which don’t taste fishy, thank goodness. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin B complex


Turmeric because I’ll try every bloody thing when I’m in the middle of a flare so this may just be a semi expensive folly. But i couldn’t give a shit. 

I would encourage anybody suffering from unexplained tiredness/lethargy to have a quick thyroid blood test. Takes no time at all, costs next to nothing, and sorting out an underperforming thyroid could be your magic bullet to getting rid of a lot of niggles.

Good quality multivitamins, probiotics, vit D, turmeric and black pepper, Omegas, B12, zinc/magnesium/B6, BCAA, Vit C, CoQ10. Mine are aimed at exercise support and recovery, no specifically to hormonal balance. I should probably look at changing some out. 

Stardust - I think it was you who linked the Vitamin B complex the other week - well I started on that and have really noticed some difference to my fatigue (despite 2 kids under 6) so, thanks!!