What will Brenda wear?

Something blue, with some stars on it?

I do hope so. 

it would be nice on anyone less unbearable, JC, but on her it looks asinine

(CS I mean - I have no views on the diadem except that harry potter is the only reason I have heard of those)

I assumed it was cos her neck is old now and the weight etc

It really amuses me how much she winds you up.  She’s just a typical marketing/pr type who flirted her way into BJs good books.  Most men would be flattered so I can understand why he fell for her.

And she just clearly liked the concept of being with a charismatic and potentially very powerful man.

"She’s just a typical marketing/pr type who flirted her way into BJs good books. "


I doubt he is "flattered", though, she will be one of about 15 in the rolling currents, what's interesting is that despite all her annoying traits she was considered the most PR-friendly as Official One

maybe she is the only skeletonless one

hahaha no mate you are turbo gammon soz (nothing wrong with that you can't help it, like)

women can't really be gammon unless they join the Brexit Party and man or woman you defo can't be gammon under 40 even if you do (then you're probably a Russian spy)

symonds literally did art history and theatre studies goodness

If Clergz declares cookie is "turbo gammon" then turbo gammon cookie is.

She should know - she's got closer than most of us ever will (God willing), so she gets to call it.