Waitrose - wtf is going on?

The shelves are bare and the delivery service seems to have just gone bonkers. Have they been hacked?

As per other threads they’ve had problems with their logistics system which mean deliveries are turning up 24 hours after they should so stores keep running out of stock.

I received a delivery yesterday

They still haven't taken payment

Or sent me a delivery receipt

I didn't get everything I ordered

They better not charge me for stuff i didn't get

yes - and Sainsbos.

When are retailers going to realise that price is not, actually, the be all and end all. Delivery is paramount, if you can’t actually deliver your goods then price is a trivial concern.

This poll showed 94% of people rejected it for reasons other than neutrality.

Reason for rejecting the Lisbon Treaty Percentage
Because I do not know enough about the Treaty and would not want to vote for something I am not familiar with 22%
To protect Irish identity 12%
To safeguard Irish neutrality in security and defence matters 6%
I do not trust our politicians 6%
We will lose our right to have an Irish Commissioner in every Commission 6%
To protect our tax system 6%
I am against the idea of a unified Europe 5%
To protest against the government's policies 4%
To avoid that the EU speaks with one voice on global issues 4%
Because large Member States decide on EU matters 4%
To protect the influence of small states 3%
It would allow the introduction of European legislation in Ireland, such as gay marriage, abortion, euthanasia 2%
To avoid an influx of immigrants 1%
The EU does not need any fixing, it works fine 1%
Other 14%
Don't know/not applicable 3%