Unk is right about one thing - you guys are pathologically idea-adverse aren’t you
Sir Woke XR Re… 02 Sep 23 11:17
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Anyone expresses on here the idea that a life beyond plodding lawtedery is possible, still less puts forward any kind of intellectually expansive notion on any subject, and they’re guaranteed a kicking from the narrow-worldview, anti ambition, anti-intellectual ROF Blob aren’t they.

Look at the shite I’ve had to take over the years from you lot over my ideas for better things to do than law. Oh but Laz hey Laz you’ve never done any of them hey Laz look at me Laz pick me pick me Laz. (1) Yes I have (2) Doing then or not doing them isn’t the fvcking point brainiac, they’re ideas, ie things you hate, that’s the point.

Yes yes TL:DR yes yes. All possible riotously-witty-only-in-your-own-head one line ripostes from the pithless and pipless hereby anticipated/denied thanks.

I’m surrounded by people with commitment, consistency, resilience and delivery every day. I mean they don’t have any more of those things than I do in addition to my ideas, but. The point is that most of them are complete non entities.

On the part of the guy wanting to boast about his “actual achievements”? Sure

I am a legal director at a fifteenth rank law firm and I have grade 8 oboe and I once self published a book about trains ooh get u

Laz ideas generator - pick your favourite number between 1 and 5 and then the month you were born. You are going to:

1. Write a book on... 

2. Do a degree in....

3. Become an Olympic competitor at...

4. Lecture in... 

5. Found a startup doing.... 


Jan - Labour politics

Feb - South American football

Mar - Cycling

Apr - Management consulting

May - Rowing

June - Middle of the road indie music

July - History

August - Craft beer

September - Cars

October - Gaffs

November - Milf pornstars

December - All of the above

Merkz again trots out a tired and wrong cliché about lawyers. They are not lawyers because they are risk averse. They are lawyers because of decisions made in their teens when they didn't know any better.