The truth is that you all do what tatford did here, don’t you?


Hardly anyone in the UK legal profession would have ever acted as prosecutor in a private prosecution. The PO lawyers seemed wholly unaware of the extensive duties that they owed the court and defendant as prosecutor.

The only other body that has brought lots of Crown Court prosecutions over the years has been the RSPCA. Hopefully their cases will also receive some scrutiny.

Many of us will have acted in civil cases with expert witnesses. Even then, whilst it’s perfectly legitimate to ask questions of your own expert, it would not be acceptable to ask them to change their evidence.

I had a look at the actual article.  Didn't read it all through but the first three issues were perfectly proper comments seeking clarification, one on an obvious typo where the expect put 10% instead of 100%.  Looks like more contrived media nonsense desperately trying to misunderstand legal matters to suit themselves