Train farters and snorers

Totally fooking unacceptable.

This morning some fella got on and fell asleep. Snoring and farting all the way. Snore snore, SNUHHH! I'm awake!!! now I'm falling asleep again Snore snore.  And leaning on me. I shoved him over at one point and he woke for about a nanonsecond.  Then he let Silent But Deadly eggy guffs off every 10 mins in a packed and delayed train.  He had breath that was competing with his anus for bragging rights over how many cubic metres of air he could defile in 50 minutes.

It is NOT OK to fart on a train ok?  And take a mint or some chewing gum or why not brush your fooking teeth?

I long for the days of slam door trains which had that little window you could open (and put your head through or not, as per 1m 9 seconds here

three actually.



personal hygiene including but not limited to breath management and B.O.


Some people should not be allowed out in public


Snoring is not ok

Junk food is such a spazzy term but also I would take all the burritos in the world over the guy who once spent an entire train journey peeling and eating a bag of boiled eggs.


For me grade A halitosis is the worst.  I just don't know how people can go about with that coming out of their own face, or how anybody lives with them.

the halitosis and snoring thing quite often goes together. Lean back, leave stinking mouth wide open like a sewer and snore your fetid breath out for everyone to enjoy.


Carry around a clothes peg (with a strong spring) to clip onto offenders' tongues.  That should stop it quick smart.


Can I add drunken garrulousness to the list of unacceptable behaviour?  fooking infuriating.

You just did go all Lydia, heff.

In fact, I wonder if you two are brother and sister. you and your cycling fascism, her with her, um, fascism. You both with your fascination with law reports.