Tory Lead down to 7 points...

Its happening again m7s...

Oh look - Guy has again decided to not reply to and therefore bump all the Labour and Corbyn antisemitism threads that are directly relevant to the election but which he got called out on today but has instead decided to start yet another thread of his own about the election.

Can anyone suggest why Guy might have done this? Yet again?

The raw result of that Kantar poll showing Con 43/Lab 32 was Con 36/Lab 35 before they apply turnout weighting. 

Not to claim the raw numbers are more accurate, turnout weighting is absolutely needed. But it does show the extent to which the accuracy of these polls is dependent on the accuracy of the polling company's assumptions about who will actually vote.

A narrowing poll lead might actually work in the Tories favour insofar as people who might vote Tory but fear a massive Tory majority will fear it less.  Also increases the fear of a Corbyn led coalition.  

"A narrowing poll lead might actually work in the Tories favour insofar as people who might vote Tory but fear a massive Tory majority will fear it less.  Also increases the fear of a Corbyn led coalition."

LOL yes I am sure that, whatever happens, that TORY STRATEGIC ELECTORAL GENIUS will ensure they WIN AGAIN!!!

"A narrowing poll lead might actually work in the Tories favour insofar as people who might vote Tory but fear a massive Tory majority will fear it less.  Also increases the fear of a Corbyn led coalition."

LOL that is like saying going a goal down might go in your favour....

If you fear a Corbyn led coalition you wont be voting for anyone else anyway.   People not voting Tory WANT a corbyn led coalition to deliver, if nothing else, a referendum.

a perfectly normal human being26 Nov 19 14:20

LOL yes I am sure that, whatever happens, that TORY STRATEGIC ELECTORAL GENIUS will ensure they WIN AGAIN!!!


it's weird how many electoral geniuses they have employed since 2005 to pretty pathetic result

In reality, as long as the Tories are within sight, this election is not about percentage share, it is all about local battles and tactical voting.   Hopefully this will be the last GE fought on this ridiculous basis.