TMPM Vote 29th - What happens when she loses again, another vote of no confidence or will she go again in ten days or so for attempt 3

Also whilst we are due to exit on the 29th March, in reality we will know if there is going to be a hard brexit well before I would imagine. When is the cut off point, when everyone says fook it, the house is so divided nothing more can be done. I would imagine we reach that point by end of feb latest?

JC seems to want for force a GE at any cost so I guess he'll try another no-con but he just doesn't have the numbers unless he can find a way to pick up some Tories who are rightly horrified at the thought of a no-deal. I guess he could try to make a deal with the devil and pick-up up the hard Brexiteers but I can't see it working and might perversely see some of his own MPs backing the Government.