Threads being deleted?

What happened to Clive’s thread and Jamiestone’s thread?


‘As far as I could see that thread was mostly a jerk circle of the usual suspects condoning the abuse of a woman standing up for women's rights.’

If by ‘usual suspects’ you mean you, TCV and Runpole, yes.

The only misogyny on that thread was from you mate 😂. You completely ignored the woman who was brutally assaulted, because she doesn’t genuflect to your cult. Even Runpole addressed that to some extent ffs.

This sort of dishonesty has become your hallmark i’m afraid. I get that lying about what others think gives you the plausible deniability you need to obsess about trans folk 99% of whom simply wish to live their lives in peace, and to belittle, bully and abuse women who disagree with you whilst venerating men whose concern for women’s rights begins and ends with how it can be leveraged to target and victimise a vulnerable minority.

The difference between anti-trans extremists and TRAs really is wafer thin.


And of course I support trans people's rights to live in peace.

Utter bollocks as demonstrated by your entire existence on rof and I suspect the rest of the internet. 

Kellie-Jay was assaulted. Quite why the original thread didn't mention that, I still don't know. Hard to imagine why the violent acts and threats she was subject to were downplayed.


Then what we had was a series of posters who apparently only believe in the right to peacefully protest, if it pertains to people who look and sound like them, went to the same private schools and universities as them, have the "right opinions" etc - in other words, we have posters who are completely devoid of values,and stand for nothing.

Not liking Kellie-Jay, despite not knowing her, is apparently good enough reason to not care that she was assaulted and subject to death threats.

Kellie-Jay is a peaceful protester, and has every right to expect the police to care about her safety, ever right to expect police to control the crowd.

That the police didn't care about her safety nor manage the crowd, that she was assaulted, and that her life was put in danger by those who have a different opinion to her on some matters, is absolutely disgraceful.

^^^the danger of being so spoilt, so indulged, so taken with the idea of yourself, because the money keeps rolling in, and you never need concern yourself with the suffering of others because your wealth allows you to build increasing numbers of walls between yourself and normal people

She has never advocated for harm to come to anybody for peacefully protesting, whatever their opinion, and regardless of whether she agrees with their opinion, or not

We have posters who stand for nothing, are tethered to no values, only tethered to the idea that they deserve even more of the money, even more of the opportunities

If you happen to say the thing they already think, they'll nod in your direction, but should you dare to have a different opinion that you express peacefully, then you can be subject to mistreatment and harm, to death threats, you could be killed, and they'll openly say you deserved it because of your opinion

Not only, no, but, of course, yes, as always, because it's just another reason to wish harm to come to women, and to excuse the police for their dangerous inaction

A female poster who gladly refers to men as women was pretty gleeful about the harm Kellie-Jay was subject to, went to great trouble to tell us Kellie-Jay was never at risk of death, and summarised Kellie-Jay as hateful (of course, with no evidence, and knowing full well this is essentially justifying the harm she came to), despite Kellie-Jay being a peaceful protester with an opinion she disagrees with, despite Kellie-Jay having been assaulted, and despite the importance of peaceful protesting regardless of whether we agree with the opinions being protested, or not

Kellie Jay is nothing more than an attention seeking narcissust who has leveraged an opportunity. She has also done nothing as far as i am aware to disavow the extreme right fringe her schtick attracts. No winners here.

“A female poster who gladly refers to men as women”

This is where I think it gets transphobic.* I have no issue with people using others’ preferred pronouns and I can understand some people taking a stand and refusing do do so as a point of principle. While I don’t fall into this category, I don’t think it’s transphobic as it is simply following your own beliefs.

However, if you criticise someone who is happy to use them, simply because of this fact then it shows you think anyone who is trans should be deliberately misgendered and displays a level of hatred for them that I do not think is acceptable.

The poor transman/woman in the street who believes themselves born in the wrong body did not ask for any of this. They are just trying to live their lives but Rumtroll won’t be happy until everyone is deliberately misgendering them and making them feel othered and belittled.

How sad it must be to be so full of hate.




*I’m not bothering to go through the rest of Rumtroll’s wittering shouting ‘This is a LIE’ as I know everyone already knows this.

This "my enemy"s enemy is my friend" nonsense has to stop. There is no war. I agree that radical trans rights activity is both hostile to, and contemptuous of, womens concerns and sometimes a cover for misogyny and we see that with some posters on this board. There needs to be an acknowledgment of that, and i dont know what the solution is to that festering sore, but i bet its not hitching ones wagon to the posey parkey publicity train.

Happy sunday everyone.

Whether you agree with none, some or all of what Kellie-Jay thinks, that is nothing to do with the topic of whether she should be able to expect the police to protect her from harm, should be able to expect the police to control the crowd, should be able to peacefully protest


If all you stand for is for people like you (wealthy, affluent, spoilt, indulged, individualistic) to be able to have a voice, you stand for nothing, you're tethered to no values at all

You either support peaceful protesters, or you don't No caveats

You either expect the police to do their jobs, or you don't No caveats

"Once again, why is Kellie Jay Keen required to publicly distance herself from violent extremists who attach themselves to this cause with neither invitation nor encouragement, when trans people and their supporters are not required to distance themselves from or condemn those who threaten women with rape and death in the name of "trans rights"?"


Since we have so many posters who are untethered from values, and are gleeful when women they disagree with are subject to assault, professional harm and death threats, the answer is

  • because women must be blamed for men's disgraceful conduct, in order that the men never be held accountable for their own choices and disgraceful conduct
  • because women must be the reason men are violent
  • because women must have driven the men to be violent
  • because women must have done something to incite the men
  • because men wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for pesky, out-of-control women insisting upon having a say

Rumtroll having its usual pop at the police.

Again, I ask, while police work to try and protect children and women as best they can on a daily basis (admittedly not very well at times), what do you do in real life to protect them?

I call hypocrisy as well as tedium.

Jim do you agree with Anna that the police stand back and allow abuse by the TRAs? If so any thoughts why? Is it police policy? Sympathetic to TRAs and against GC women? Not wanting to make arrests?

"Since we have so many posters who are untethered from values, and are gleeful when women they disagree with are subject to assault, professional harm and death threats, the answer is


because women must be blamed for men's disgraceful conduct, in order that the men never be held accountable for their own choices and disgraceful conduct

because women must be the reason men are violent

because women must have driven the men to be violent

because women must have done something to incite the men

because men wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for pesky, out-of-control women insisting upon having a say"

As a man I can confirm this is definitely how I think all the time, and thank you rumpole, with your unparalleled sociological and neurological expertise, for helping me to understand.

Right, I'm off to make Mrs Eeyore a cup of tea and load the dishwasher.

You don't deserve a medal, not fanfare, for doing work in the home you are also responsible for creating and are quite capable of taking care of. So get on with it quietly.

You don't make any impression on the problems of male-pattern violence and antisocial behaviour by volleying "BUT BUT 1 MAN JUST MADE A CUP OF TEA THEREFORE NOTHING TO SEE HERE!"

Doing anything to help women broadly? Demonstrated or peacefully protested the disparity in earnings women are subject to? Advocated within the company you work at for fair-pay and appropriate working conditions for women, subject to monthly periods, pregnancy, childcare responsibilities, menopause, etc? Donating any of your vast wealth to women's single-sex charities that have been defunded because men are insisting upon access to them, and women are daring to say no?

Donated to any of the legal funds for the women who've lost jobs and economic opportunities because they refuse to refer to men as women? Or to the funds of those who refuse men access to women's toilets, changing rooms and domestic violence shelters?

Ever bothered to object even once to Chill's year's long smear campaign against Joanne Rowling?

Or are you just here to announce you've made 1 cup of tea?

Clive - I don’t know. Not done much policing of protests but know there’s a tricky balance to reach. On the one hand, we have a duty to enable people to protest peacefully (not necessarily quietly) but obviously on the other we have to prevent and deal with any offences or potential disorder. I’m sure those involved try to get it right but equally sure that sometimes they don’t. I don’t even think it’s a case of varying from force to force particularly; it’s more that it will vary from event to event with who is running it and which officers are doing the actual policing.

I definitely do not think (my opinion only) that personal beliefs will have a significant impact. It’s more likely that it will be likely public perception that would influence how strictly they act.


Oh, and heh for Eeyore.

Rumtroll - could you put your credentials online as you’re asking others to do?

Doing anything to help women broadly? Demonstrated or peacefully protested the disparity in earnings women are subject to? Advocated within the company you work at for fair-pay and appropriate working conditions for women, subject to monthly periods, pregnancy, childcare responsibilities, menopause, etc? Donating any of your vast wealth to women's single-sex charities that have been defunded because men are insisting upon access to them, and women are daring to say no?

Donated to any of the legal funds for the women who've lost jobs and economic opportunities because they refuse to refer to men as women? Or to the funds of those who refuse men access to women's toilets, changing rooms and domestic violence shelters?

Surely it's not a man?

I know that most of us lawyers aren't likely to be hurting for money (although, of course, I assume even evil male lawyers are permitted to use their income to contribute to the upkeep of their families, even if those families might include evil male children who will grow up to be evil male adults), but I'm fascinated by the constant references to lawyers' "vast wealth" - like he / she / it thinks Suits was a documentary.

I'm pretty sure rumtroll is a dude. I'm sure they will be along shortly to confirm along with the receipts for all their benevolent contributions to feminist movements. 

Don’t think it has a preferred gender which is why I use “it” until advised otherwise.

Could easily be a huge male misogynist at home by day and keyboard troll by night. Can’t really make a judgement until it answers some questions about itself.

"You don't deserve a medal, not fanfare, for doing work in the home you are also responsible for creating and are quite capable of taking care of. So get on with it quietly.

You don't make any impression on the problems of male-pattern violence and antisocial behaviour by volleying "BUT BUT 1 MAN JUST MADE A CUP OF TEA THEREFORE NOTHING TO SEE HERE!""

Heh at all this but especially "So get on with it quietly" !

Tell you what Tuesday, the second I see Rumtroll showing the slightest respect to another poster on here, answering the same questions it poses others, losing the patronising, accusatory and condescending tone to other Roffers and showing the slightest human quality of empathy or compassion, I promise to stop.

There aren’t many posters on here I feel genuine contempt for…in fact there might be only one.

Sorry to disappoint. I know you feel differently but despite the many faults of many Roffers (including myself) all the ones you name have at least some redeeming feature. I save my contempt for those with none.

"I cannot think of a single redeeming feature any of those posters have tbh."

Well most of them have the redeeming feature of a sense of humour. Sure, the topic is serious, but carefully weaving in humour is a sign of greater intelligence, particularly emotional intelligence. Some of those posters can even do self-deprecating humour, which instantly makes them 10x more likable.

Purely as an e.g. - I think Chill is completely wrong about the importance of self-declared gender vs biological sex in many areas, but his long-running joke about a romance with Risky is very funny. And he takes it well when he gets mocked for e.g. washing his post. These are likable traits. 

Re Davos - I think even he is bored of his "I Am A Victim, damn you!" schtick - he seemed to be about to start all that again with his "homophobe" claim to Anna using the phrase "circle jerk", but I don't think his heart was in it, he didn't really commit to it.

I tend to agree with Anna there...  I don't get it at all, but I don't suppose that I am its target audience.  Then again, I just don't find any of the troll style "windups" on here at all funny, never have.

Whatever our other differences, can we at least agree that different humour appeals to different people? Might not be funny to you but others might find it hilarious?

Although, my short google research into the origin of the phrase led me to discover "a raunchy 1880s song about a legendary Scottish orgy, “The Ball o’ Kirriemuir,” which includes the verses: “The elders of the church / They were too old to firk [fook] / So they sat around the table / And had a circle jerk.”

Which has given me a visual which is amusing and disturbing in equal measure, so thank you for that!  I'm off to find the whole song, BRB!  Feel free to take a spell on the fainting couch - I imagine you need to conserve your energy for the frenzy of pearl clutching and stoic forbearance that you are about to unleash on RoF.

It's a bit odd. The centrist duds like Davos, as far as I can ascertain, are all remain voting sensible people. The UKIP types are much more likely to be found barking about trans people and demanding to know what a woman is. 

Interesting how you square that circle. Cognitive dissonance is very powerful. 

RR, the fact that you appear to think there should be some kind of link between voting remain and supporting Labour's stance on trans issues is quite telling

This is arrant bullshit so I skipped the rest. Sorry you wasted your time typing loads of stuff tho. 

 you don't think about each issue on its merits, using your own brain, and come to your own conclusion about it, but that you simply follow along with whatever your political tribe happens to think.

This is so prevalent these days. In society and on ROF.  Instead of deciding what to think, people look at who is saying what and decide they want to be with the “progressive” or “conservative” people.  No critical thinking on the merits.  

Imagine reading the Grauniad or the Telegraph and agreeing with everything it says.  Mind boggling.