This sums up why Labour is the worst

Woman wears t-shirt offering to fellate people who are prepared to support a particular ideology but it is the man pointing at her who is the odious cretin?


I think that's the joke, strutter

old tory has t shirt printed for followers ("It's DD For Me")

young socialist buys (possibly makes?) and wears ironic t shirt herself


Any women who don't subscribe to the whole agenda get called terfs. Regardless of the actual subject 

if you just replace "TERF" with bitch/witch in your head it's pretty much the same thing. 

I note that walking joke Owen Jones puts "antifascist" on his twitter feed. That's a little bit like me saying "I fight sabre tooth tigers. Or Vikings. Or any other thing that was a thing in the past, but isn't now".


He also had the misfortune to write his one good book (Chavs, the demonization of the English working class) before Brexit happened, and then, as soon as that happened, and offended his Remainer sensibilities, went on to spend the next 3 1/2 years....demonising the English working class for voting for Brexit.

Oh the irony.