Sails / house conveyancers

Am being asked to pay £450 for the LPE1 but google keeps telling me that it’s capped by govt at £200 (though without ref to actual legislation). Please can you tell me if my new managing agent is taking the mickey? Also - have no evidence of purchaser eg booking lender valuation yet - should we hold fire until he does?

Bull, this is a probate sale and co executor is not someone I’d put in front of sails voluntarily. The probate lawyer (most excellent) came through here and has had to be issued with fulsome apologies for atrocities including 24hr email abuse of the senior partner by said co executor. (Previous managing agent had to get flowers. Ambulance service - written apology. Hospital - extensive investigation and complaint and extended stay for the deceased because they couldn’t trust the exec around them etc etc etc)

I’m. Good question. He’s nuts enough for some kind of Shrinkery in the nhs. I don’t wish to get sufficiently involved to find out though as it will mean random abuse and accusations for me which I don’t wish to deal with any longer. I think he has to be a danger to self / others rather than just a menace 

chz Sails. I've queried it with them as there's a load of articles online from 2019 suggesting legislation was imminent at that point to cap it at £200 and in any case they were referring to an entirely different building in their letter demanding the £££ which suggests that their attention to detail may be a little hazy.

It just outrages me as most have a standard pack that just needs a few details changing and updating so they’re charging that for about half an hour’s effort.