ROF doctors and ROF oldies

I have piles. They are painful AF. But I refuse to go to the doctors as they will probe my bumhole and probably recommend I have them electrocuted off. 

Are there any good meds or topical creams that u recommend which will manage the pain or make them fall off?

To those of u that have never had piles, pls drink lots of water and eat lots of fibre. THE PAIN IS DIABOLICAL 

Once upon a time, my mate Dave had a sore bum hole. Oh he thought, piles.

NP, he had a busy social life at Uni, no time for help , he decided to apply liberal amounts of pile cream and crack on.

Two weeks and about two tubes of cream later, now eye wateringly sore he drops into GP (see this really was a long time ago)

The GP take one look and sends Dave to hospital 

Dave had a mahoosive abscess that required an op under General Anesthetic

Dont be like Dave if it’s stays sore, get it checked out 

Think of it as a cautionary tail :)

Ask some more unqualified people what to do about something that’s causing you diabolical pain. Then wait until it gets really diabolical and you pass out, at which point you’ll be seen by the doctor you’ve been trying to avoid.

Don’t be a moron.