Remember 2015? Everything seemed pretty ok then

Miss 2015

No, 2015 was the general election at which moderate Tories decided that eating a bacon sandwich somewhat awkwardly was suddenly very important indeed, and that anything, even another five years of fvcking the country into the bin and risking the country's long term future with a brexit vote, was preferable to having someone with a conscience at the helm. House price growth >>> not starving kids.

For me it's 2019

Didn't really give a tug about Brexit and Trump. In 50 years I expect both to be a footnote in history .

COVID lockdowns is when the well was poisoned for me. When politics became a form of emotional abuse 

I might be misremembering but the OP spent the entire time on here pre-March 2020 whining about how shit her life was, before moaning about her chance to be miserable outside being constrained for a year or two. Is that fair? 

Ah, 2015. When Labour decided wiping out the LibDems was more important than winning the GE. How did that work out, eh?


Same fvckwittery as with all those smug g*ts in 2000 who decided Al Gore was not progressive enough, so they voted Nader instead. How do these people sleep at night?

There would have been no second Gulf war with Gore. Heck, there may not even have been 9/11 to begin with because his administration would have taken the Clinton administration's warning seriously. No Roberts or Alito on the Supreme Court.