Pimlico Plumbers

Ok they are massively expensive gits run by what looks like a Rod Stewart lookalike who was washed at too high a temperature but fair play with the massive "BOLLOCKS TO BREXIT" sign atop their HQ as you come into Waterloo 



for years on my journey into Waterloo, just after Pimlico Plunderers' building, I used to see a tragic sight on the other side of the rail tracks.  As you go past a series of small 1930s flats, one of them has a Perspex-windowed extension piled full off rubbish. Up against the window was pressed a large SpongeBob Squarepants figure with an alarmed expression on his face with arms raised in a "let me out" way. But he never got out. As the Perspex has dulled, his sad face has stared at me year after year. Now it is honey dark and only semi translucent and you can only just see the outline of the yellow chap, still there, still begging for extraction but nobody hears his cries.

There was a rather touching documentary series a while back about the lives of the super rich by Katherine Ryan where she interviewed the Pimlico Plumbers dude.  She said she thought their marketing was a bit weak and they should get with the kids. The strangulated Rod Stewart fella said she should write a rap for him. She got her beatbox going and did it there and then. It went something like "WE'RE PIMLICO PLUMBERS AND WE LOOK LIKE BUMMERS" and he wasn't best pleased.



I loved the bit where they are crossing Vauxhall bridge in his blue Bentley and they pull up in a traffic jam and there's a girl in the car next along and Ryan says "open the window" and shouts "get your eyes off my husband"