People who hate the British Empire are fannies

As though they can just hate that and every other aspect of our baldy knife wielding chimp species is FINE.

History is a big old mess. It's far too complex to be a simple dichotomy of good vs evil.

Although I was thinking last night that perhaps the honours need to updated in's a bit archaic.

Well yes that's rather my point, the British empire was one of many, notable mainly in its geographical extent but otherwise a typical example of European colonialism which was enthusiastically practiced by any state that could possibly manage it. Get a bit bored of hearing about how the British are the inheritors of unique historical crimes.

Even worse is when Scottish nationalists try to pretend that the British empire was actually all the doing of the English and the Scots were either horrified bystanders or its first victims

New Chimp_26 Nov 19 10:02

Even worse is when Scottish nationalists try to pretend that the British empire was actually all the doing of the English and the Scots were either horrified bystanders or its first victims


it definitely was the doing of the English and the Scots absolutely were just horrified bystanders

and we also did not contribute mercenaries to the dutch empire and french empire and the Austro hungarian empires and the short lived swedish empire either

but whatever it was we didn't do in the first place we more than made up for it (and I say we but really I just mean Glasgow because Edinburgh is gutless) by standing up to Westminster for Nelson Mandela, take that King George.... although granted we didn't change the names of the tobacco baron named streets just round the corner in the Merchant city