By popular demand. (NB: as this is only the free version, it is very basic compared with the full package.)



Post your results below


Depends. This morning I was coffee-nursing INTP-A, but this afternoon I was a solid ESTJ-A with bells on.

This evening I am going to be ISFJ as I took Mrs K’s keys with me to work, and so will be forming a defensive position until the storm blows over. 

Yes, I can see RoF Royalz as an ENTJ.

If we get enough responses, I'll collate them into a chart, like the political compass thing. I think this is probably more accurate though. 

"It’s something free on the internet dux. That’s your first clue it’s dropping malware or harvesting your data"

For someone that's so concerned about data security, it's laughable you use TikTok FFS! 

Yes, I can see RoF Royalz as an ENTJ.

Holy shit

ENTJ Weaknesses

Not everyone will appreciate having their flaws so frequently picked out and put on display. Intolerant. ENTJs hold others to their same impossible standards, believing everyone can and should work as hard as they do. They often lack patience for people who are naturally less direct or a bit slower.

I'm a convert. MBTI is spookily accurate. Sorry fellow roffers, I clearly can't help it. 

Not every occasion calls for this personality type’s default contrarianism, and most people can only stand to have their beliefs questioned and their feelings brushed aside for so long. As a result, Debaters may find that their quarrelsome fun burns many bridges, often inadvertently. Debaters are respected for their vision, confidence, knowledge, and keen sense of humor – but unless they cultivate a bit of sensitivity, they may struggle to maintain deeper relationships or even to achieve their professional goals.

Will have  go at test myself.

Life, legal education and travel was supposed to nave made me more patient, but in reality has made me skint.

So I've decided to be real khunt (but without the crypto-fascism) as I was when I was eighteen; that way no-one can s*** on me and take advantage of my apparent goof nature.

Same category as Angela Merkel, George HW Bush, George Washington, Condaleeza Rice, Jason Bourne, Dana Scully

I don't watch GoT so the characters that share my profile mean nothing to me.


I had it done at work about 5 years ago during a teambuilding day and I was E/INTP, which weirdly so is MrB, which I found out later, even down to the weak E which was almost I or equal between the two.