At my upcoming year-end review meeting
PerfidiousPorpoise 05 Sep 23 15:05
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should I let my boss (who I also think of as a (not-very-close) friend) know that I do not plan on being there beyond the end of 2024, to allow him to do some longer-term planning? Let's say I am okay if the response is (although I don't think that would be the case) "we can't let someone with that checked-out mentality stay on the team; you should be gone within 2 months."

your boss is not your pal.  They will cut any discretionary aspects of your bonus and your pay rise for the next year will be minimal.  Basically, it will help them but cost you.  

I can't see any upside to you. 

They would cut you without any thought if they could.  

Even if your boss is your friend in your personal life, in his role as boss he has to put that aside.

It's a "no" from me Clive.



Avoid pay reviews. Bad things happen. Ask to leave. They persuade you to think about it. What can we do for you? Extra support? A bit of time off? You know how this ends before it's even started. It's not you. It's me. Hide in the stationery cupboard. 

If you are a partner and are paid out of the prior years profits resign after the end of the financial year so you get your full year’s drawings from the old shop in the first year you are coining it at the new shop. Double coin. Buy a Ferrari and have a hair transplant