My new housemate

As a chrimbo present he MADE ME a lovely Japanese style coffee table for my flat (he's a carpenter) out of Japanese wood and with apparently Japanese style joints. He did it cos he knows I spent lots of time in Asia and like lots of Asian things.

He left it in his wardrobe to pick up after xmas when I got back home.

Also we like doing yoga and rock climbing together and the other day there was a leak from the ceiling and I climbed up into the roof cavity and was crawling around to find the source - to no avail.

I got him to come up and he figured out it was from the pipe to the extractor fan.

I think I want to fook him. How does one seduce one's housemate? We're both straight so this is not a situation I imagine is common.

Men tend to be fairly blunt with such propositions so could try either of the following which are approaches I've received previously:

"I've wanted to f*ck since the moment I met you"

"Do you like a bit of girth?"

Sail I think this will require more subtlety and subterfuge. Or drugs. Lots of drugs.

Laz, no - he couldn't look more different. He's taller than me and blonde and has a beard. I imagine he'd like that guy though as he seems to have a sort of arty side to his blokey carpentmen ways. It's very charming.

I like your thinking Sorry.

So, frame it as 'just a joke.'

'Just a couple of lads horsing around...a funny story for the grandkids.'

Yes....yes...I think you're onto something....


Oh mate that was so funny ? 

I know, I know, legendary bantz

Hey we should have some more top banter some time, it was sooo funny

*Unzips trousers*

Yeah yeah I’m with you now. This idea certainly has some momentum....

’so remember that hilarious time that I bummed you because I was so grateful for the coffee table and your extractor fan know how funny stories always of with a first initial joke and they kind of fan the flames with increasingly extreme details?!

I found this ball-gag and this cod-piece the other day and they just screamed ’ba-doom tish’ to me,,,’

Do you remember ‘friends’ Tecco?! They’re the people you like wot you do fun things with. That’s why I have a housemate. I’ve known him for a long time and he needed somewhere to live. 

He’s not my cash cow although he is going to start paying me. I’ve let him live here for a bit rent free and I really I don’t need the money that much it’s just weird if I put him up without charging.

Do I need to get my magic wand out again. You seem to be aching for it

Ugh. Tecco I’m making jokes but at this point fook it:

If you want me to try and prove myself as a programmer to you then go on hacker news and read through some comment threads of things you don’t understand. I don’t post under the same name there but if you catch some jokes and some snarky behavior you will probably figure out who it is. My github is the same handle. I don’t have my github on my LinkedIn but I do on my cv.

if you’re going to do this repeatedly then this is rapidly decreasing in interest. I’m not going to respond anymore as I feel I’ve been affectionately jokey with you as you’re clearly a troubled person.

You’re making me not want to post on this anymore and I am so close to just going ‘ok’