the “metropolitan elite” being used as an insult
The Oracle of Delphi 10 Jan 20 09:27
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i grew up in the deepest darkest countryside and like to go back their regularly, but i can confirm that: it’s a bit shit

and, in fact, every category of urbanity between that and central metropolis is varying degrees of shit compared to being metropolitan (ranging from the depressingly dire like watford, the dull like letchworth, the graveyards like gleadless to the faux like guildford)

as for being elite, well, who wouldn’t want to be?

metropolitan elite in itself is not an issue it is the champagne socialists with little grasp on reality and having no awareness of what is ticking the society. Being rabid leftie and peddling socialist policies because it sounded cool in Uni days does not work well in the real world. 

Corbyn comes to mind. 

sure: that’s a totally different thread

and iirc the last time we discussed the merits of being a champagne socialist it was largely agreed that while ostentatiously declaring ur love for the common man yet succumbing to an indulgent lifestyle is, to say the least, less than consistent, it remains better than being a champagne selfish aunt: a tozza 

Champagne socialist is another one.

Champagne is great. So is not being a rightard. Is this supposed to be an insult?

Whatever your views on socialism, surely socialism with champagne is better than socialism without champagne.

corbyn’s not elite tho


He was privately educated, he's been paid at least 3 times the national average wage for over 30 years, he lives in a house worth £1m+, has no mortgage and is a member of the Privy Council.  

Not sure what your definition of metropolitan liberal elite is, but if he's not in it, it's wrong.

His house looks nice. Doubt if it's worth a million. £750k maybe. It's refreshing to see a politician who lives in a normal gaff rather than some £5m Islington mansion or a country pile with a 200yd drive.

metropolitan yes, we’ve already agreed that

liberal - absolutely not r u mental or r u weirdly channeling the wronger than wrong murican definition of “liberal” (in which case i’m fairly sure he’s still not that either, he’s a commie)

elite - no - u can point to the mps salary (which we both know is pittance really) and his supposed education and the accident of being a baby boomer who owned a house, but the guy simply is not elite in the true meaning of the word. maybe u use it to mean “anyone with a bit of power”. maybe that works, but then that removes everyone who is not a politician and it’s never used that way

so u fail pretty spectacularly there pinko

He earns £140k currently and without being LOTO he earns a few quid shy of £80k.  And has done for decades.

Of course his property wealth is an accident of birth, but it's still wealth.  And it's about £1m in capital wealth.

And he's on the Privy Council.

All of this makes him elite by any rational logic.

Elite means "a small group of powerful people who hold a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, political power, or skill in a society".  This IS Jeremy Corbyn.

ok fair enough pittance is an exaggeration

but he’s only been on £140k for his time as leader. mps r massively underpaid for their job and for virtually his entire career as an mp he has not been on more than that

“Elite means "a small group of powerful people who hold a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, political power, or skill in a society".  This IS Jeremy Corbyn.”

can’t u read pinko?

i acknowledged that that specific definition of elite fits corbyn as an mp and a party leader, but i quite clearly sed in my post above that it does not fit the use of the word in the context of the phrase “metropolitan elite” which is used to describe a much larger number of ppl than just 650 mps etc

I agree MPs are underpaid. 

However this does not negate MPs being paid over 3 times the national average wage.  Which means if you are so paid - for three decades - and also benefit from a mortgage-free home worth 4 times the national average house price, you are in the "elite" in relation to earnings and wealth in the country.

still isn’t enough tho, sorry m7

corbyn is not metropolitan liberal elite. starmer probably is

corbyn is a lefty brexter type. he’s one of the ones who helped u lot get brexit done from the vote thru to the 31 this month in a curious alliance of anti-liberal eu commies and frothing rightards

If I earn almost enough to be in the top 5% and Corbyn earns slightly less than me and has been a political party leader and member of the PC amongst other things I'd say he's definitely part of the elite.  Not necessarily part of what is known as the establishment but he's certainly not your average punter.

wibble10 Jan 20 10:13 ReplyReport | DM

so he is then. 


what a hmong 

u know how u were advised not to behave like hanners so u don’t get mistaken for him? this is one of those moments where u sound exactly like him.

u don’t want be asked yrusap now do u

fook we really have got the dense confused-by-dictionary thickos out in force this evening haven’t we

newsflash rightards: some words, like “elite”, have more than one meaning. that means that u have to look at the wider context to understand which meaning is intended. 

funnily enough, this means that a word might fit one meaning, but the context of the phrase within which it is used means it cannot have that meaning. odd! but that’s how english works


Whatever your views on socialism, surely socialism with champagne is better than socialism without champagne.

Socialism itself is not bad as the concept of safety net for the unfortunate is a blessing and we all should support that. But it becomes wrong when some socialist policies that are being advocated are so out of touch with reality that it becomes irrational and self-defeating. To compound the agony the champagne socialist doesn't want to understand why his/her policies are crap and those who really need that are left with no option but to keep suffering from lack of social support. It's as if that poverty and agony is being mocked by that champagne socialist. 

this is exactly what happened at the last election. 


saggyio you utter spaz the thread is about “metropolitan elite” 

you have added the word "liberal" yourself to try and claim he is not one of those. 

so werid. 


he’s totally anti-liberal u idiot. he h7s the liberal capitalist eu. he’s a commie - he wants massive state and dictats and lives venezualan “socialism”.

he’s literally the opposite of a liberal. he’s positively illiberal.

as i sed above, even if u r one of those slobbering alt righters who think that the word liberal should be used like the americans use it, he’s not even one of those. he’s well to the left of bernie sanders and aoc and co.

I've never said he's a liberal but if I'm part of the elite as a privately educated mid-level solicitor then he definitely his given his level of power of influence.

wibble ReplyReport | DM

saggyio you utter spaz the thread is about “metropolitan elite” 

you have added the word "liberal" yourself to try and claim he is not one of those. 

u r hanners. i thought so.

u don’t even seem to be able to have followed the thread for a start. “metropolitan elite” is always used to describe liberals now, u moron

sails m7, i’ve already explained that someone can be part of an elite without being part of the metropolitan elite (and vice versa). i can’t be arsed to do so again simply becoz u r one of those ppl who struggles to grasp multi-faceted words

I am indeed using it in the sense that the Americans use it because I've learnt that without prior explanation that is how people understand it globally these days 

corbyn is a liberal 

in that case u use it incorrectly and by american standards he’s not a liberal anyway, he’s a commie

so u r doubling up on wrongness here. i assume u r one of rod’s “new” resident rightards? if so, u r performing that role v well: carry on

That's my point LA thank you for making it again.

I don't really understand Coracle he's clearly elite and he lives in Islington with is metropolitan ergo he's metropolitan elite.  I might agree with you if he lived in the village I live in that he was rural elite but he lives in the middle of London.

"i assume u r one of rod’s “new” resident rightards?"

An interesting question this poses, to be sure.  My first thought was Rod Hull, but he has been brown bread for longer than Serge hasn't, due to a tragic telly reception issue in the late 80s.  (we actually had aerials on the roof to receive radio waves in those days Serge, I know right - snowflake mind *BLOWN*.)  So strike him off the list.

My mind then turned to Rod off of Rod Jane and Freddy.  He always looked to me like the spare wheel in that triumvirate.  Jane would deffo have gone for the more rugged, handsome Freddie, or even Jeffrey, rather than the balding fat hippy that Rod was (and I hope still is).  Rod would have been left with a lingering sense of guilt for wondering if George was up for it.  It could explain a latter day conversion to reactionary right wing politics - he's a classic "cuck" and ripe for some sort of Reddit based meninist agenda.  Let's mark him down as a possible.

Finally tho, we have Rod Stewart, who recently pissed of the whole of twitter by congratulating BoJo on the election result.  HOW VERY DARE HE.  This is a man paid millions to wear ill fitting nylon suits and croon slightly pervily about young girls missing school to an audience of coffin dodgers with more bingo wing biomass than a sperm whale that's been on the MickeyDs.  Not to voice political opinions.  He my friends must be the Rod of whom Serge is rightly wary.  



Corbyn is metropolitan elite. He also lives in London not say Bishop Auckland where my father and grandfather were born (and which just turned Tory, thankfully). He has an expensive house and high salary and lives in Islington and was partly educated at a private school.

Corbyn is metropolitan elite. He also lives in London not say Bishop Auckland where my father and grandfather were born (and which just turned Tory, thankfully). He has an expensive house and high salary and lives in Islington and was partly educated at a private school.


The telegraph suggests rainbow started in 74 not 84.  

Maybe they didn't think "ok, we have the big gay bear, the S&M monkey gimp, the confused switch hitting Hippo and the obligatory 1970s wrongun grandpa type, what else can we add to spice this sht up?  Err, boss, how about a menage a trois of absurdly happy swingers in shellsuits?  YES!!!!" until 1984.  Guaranteed ratings booster (remember channel 4 wasn't even a twinkle in the milkman's eye back then)