Meeting the Mother

Next weekend I am going to meet Beau’s mother for the first time. This is the first time I have met a partners mum in at least 15 years.


what should I give her as a gift for letting me stay over etc?

Not flowers (unless bf is sure she likes them). I would not be at all surprised if she doesn't like cut flowers if she is vegan. 

Pot plant I guess, but fvck me how dull is that. If you know she drinks then (vegan approved) wine I guess. 

Possibly a book?  Ask your other half who her favourite author is and get a nice edition of a something by them. 

if wine, you'll need to check if it's vegan.  Quite a lot of wine isn't vegan because it uses egg as part of the preservation process...

I'd go for a pot plant in a cute pot.  :)

Quite a lot of wine isn't vegan because it uses egg as part of the preservation process...

also they filter it through fish bladders

learnt this during #veganuary and wished i hadn’t 

Heh - they don’t ‘filter wine through fish bladders’ you loon! They do use various products made from animal proteins to help clarify wine (including one made from fish air bladders) 

Good call on the Booja Booja truffles which are amazing.


Also "cheese" from La Fauxmagerie which is actually excellent as vegan cheese goes.

La Fauxmagerie - UK’s first Plant-based cheesemonger. | La Fauxmagerie


Careful on the plant and flowers suggestion.  I know this will sound hypersensitive but check to make sure she doesn't have cats.  Loads of flowers and plants are toxic to cats.  I know everyone knows about lilies but daffodils, any of the lily pot plants and tulips etc are all death to kitty if nibbled or licked.

You should take a leaf out of the book of that madwoman who was seeing blue horseshoe, and gift her a nice fresh fish.

Wasn't it Minkie who said that?!

Was in another country last year and unexpectedly invited to our lawyer's home for a party. Desperate for gift ideas I was going to bring him a nice fish but was overruled.  I'm *sure* we would have got away with it on account of being forrin.



What would your fish of choice have been, and what did you think it said about you?

Minkie may also have caught the fish-giving bug but I feel sure it was Blue Horseshoe's paramour that I read.

Trout or salmon probably. Gutted but with the head still on. I don't think you need to go too much off piste when you're presenting your host with a fish because you are, after all, giving them a fish.

Those fish are as english as it gets. Surely if you are playing the forrin card you should give them, I don't know, a kingfish or a nice fresh catfish or a fat carp?

I thought it was foxhunter's gf who came up with the fish (as something she had done in the past).

To OP: don't bring a fish. What will you be doing? If you're there for dinner or lunch, can you offer to bring/bake something as a desert? I'm a fan of really good chocolate as a gift. Also like fancy tea but don't know if she's a bag or leaves lady. F&M teatime gift box?