The man has a point, surely?
Hotblack Desiato 01 Nov 23 11:45
Reply |

No, he hasn't.  No matter what a particular person or group of persons of a certain nationality, race, religion, sexuality, gender, ethnic group or whatever you care to name does and how wrong it is, you are not in response justified in inflicting punishment or revenge on another person or group of people people solely on the basis that they happen to share that nationality, race, religion, sexuality, gender, ethnic group or whatever.  There has to be an actual rational\justification.

It's not rocket science: Terrorism by Hamas is a Hamas problem, not somehow a brown people problem because Hamas terrorists tend to be brown

No matter what a particular person or group of persons of a certain nationality, race, religion, sexuality, gender, ethnic group or whatever you care to name does and how wrong it is, you are not in response justified in inflicting punishment or revenge on another person or group of people people solely on the basis that they happen to share that nationality, race, religion, sexuality, gender, ethnic group or whatever.  There has to be an actual rational\justification.

Any reason you missed sex out?

We've already established he can't distinguish between them (even before he bums someone!) but that doesn't really explain him leaving the category out.