Let’s assume Labour get in

What interesting policies do you think they will stick with?

What meaningful change do you think they will bring?

doesn’t matter the outcome, as long as the tozzas lose

that will improve the country dramatically, much more than ne flawed policy tweak could

other than mayb cancelling brexit

A government not captured by hostile foreign interests would be a big win tbf 

Yeah Labour are immune to that sort of thing. Remember Mandelson and Oleg Deripaska? 280m superyachts are pretty cool tbf.

Well for a start they won’t govern on the principle of divide and hate and rule. They will have space to re-establish links with Europe in areas that directly benefit us. They can be centrist sensibly. And can the remnants of the left. If they want to be radical they could set up Govt backed JVs to build green fridges, cars and heating. 

are you sure? Starmer was a leading shadow cabinet member under corbyn and campaigned from the left to get the leadership.  surely he's going to be more radical than that? for a start it looks as if they're trying to drive out an entire hard working section of society


Will be interesting to see how they approach removal of the VAT exemption. No doubt there will be a loophole which will enable champagne socialists to continue to bang on about how they would never send their kids private while spending thousands on VAT-exempt tutoring.   

Private tutors may well stay below the VAT threshold (e.g. if it's a teacher topping up their income). So if you want to complain about private schools but also want to pay to get your own kids ahead, you should be able to continue doing that without paying VAT.

A bit off topic, but are there any VAT bods who know if there are countries in the EU which have chosen not to exempt supplies of education?

I.e. is this going to make us an outlier?

the biggest change will be simply a base level of competence returning instead of the basket case that is the post brexit Tory party which has basically been taken over by the stupid the incompetent the closet racists and the the corrupt, which has seen almost every aspect of nation decline sharply.

I can’t help but remember the 2017 election where TMPM thought it was enough of an election strategy simply to say “I’m not Corbyn”. Not sure it turned out as expected.

I hope Labour has learnt from that and is not relying on “We’re not the Tories” or they are likely to be disappointed (they’ll still win but only just when they should be whipping the Tories’ arses this time).

People want to know what you stand for, a clear message on important issues and I’m not sure Kier has got there yet.

I agree with that Jim, although I am every torn on the issue because although I would like some leadership from Kier - who currently seems scared of his own shadow- I also want a hung parliament and lib lab coalition that will get rid of first past the post and the realistic possibility of lunatics like the current government having unfettered power despite a minority of the vote ever again.

I half want that Guy but I'd much prefer the Libs to take the space the Tories are vacating (particularly if they go full Farage) and offer a sensible alternative to Labour.

If they go into coalition with Labour, they kill their USP in the blue wall seats of 'not being Labour' and the Tories will be back in power by the next election.

The Conservative-DUP agreement should be a lesson that PR isn't going to be the panacea - at least not to the extent it's worth risking the Libs imploding again.

I’d love them to give asylum seekers the right to work while their claim is processed at least until they can guarantee to review a claim within a reasonable period (3 months?).

I’m sure I’m being incredibly naive here and this will have a major downside I’ve overlooked but if they can work then they fill the vacancies in the job market, the state wouldn’t be obliged to provide as much financial support and they’d get a head start in rebuilding their lives. Looks like a win win to me.

I think they will do what Blair did and just make sure they get in. In an ideal world they would:

- abolish interest deductability in business, and basically wipe out PE.

- abolish private healthcare but allow the NHS to make money by offering paid for services. Massively reform the NHS and schools so centralised centres of excellence and procurement leave local managers to get on with people turning up and getting on with the job. 24 hour operating and scanning operation to clear the COVID backlog. 

- introduce nationwide congestion and pollution charging, ringfencing all money for public transport enhancements, and giving people with no car free public transport.

- revert to education, education, education. Offer technical alternatives for people at school, prevent more than 7% of private school pupils from getting a university place until everyone else that wants one gets one, and putting a £100k tax on anyone employing a private school pupil for a school leaver or graduate job beyond that 7%.

- abolish SDLT and primary residence exemption. Ban corporate ownership of private property other than large scale REITS that offer affordable rental accommodation, and tax second/empty/small scale rented home ownership until the pips squeak. 

- abolish DB pensions and mandate individual pension accounts topped up by the state, eventually abolishing the state pension. 

- join the EEA on the basis of a Europe wide immigrant distribution system and cap on free movement for immigrants for 5 years post entry. 

- accept lefty BS around state owned enterprises is shit, and instead properly incentivise people and sack off the wastrels. 

- revert to education, education, education. Offer technical alternatives for people at school, prevent more than 7% of private school pupils from getting a university place until everyone else that wants one gets one, and putting a £100k tax on anyone employing a private school pupil for a school leaver or graduate job beyond that 7%‘

pay for it by hiking IHT and then selling boomer tears to the chemical industry 

pay for it by hiking IHT and then selling boomer tears to the chemical industry 

Better to tax the mostly Gen X recipients of such inheritance until the pips squeak.