Jordan McSweeny just got his sentence reduced

I never fail to be disappointed with how infrequently prison justice seems to happen.

Cmon, cons.

Our new LCJ reduced the sentence because the attack was so severe that Ms Aleena was rendered unconscious, and therefore that demands a LESS serious penalty.

She also threw out a murder conviction earlier this week - the second successful murder prosecution of the same man because of an earlier appeal - because of a footling technical error which not even the defence team noticed or challenged, and which made zero difference to the case itself.

One week into the job.  That's a pretty ropey start.

Our new LCJ reduced the sentence because the attack was so severe that Ms Aleena was rendered unconscious, and therefore that demands a LESS serious penalty.

Would you like the degree of suffering of the victim to increase the sentence or not?  Sounds like you don't think her suffering should be an aggravating factor.

What seriously? He anaesthetised her with blunt force trauma so it's ok?

Do you think someone who causes suffering and pain to their victim, as compared to someone who due to circumstances did not, should get a greater sentence?  Or should it be the same regardless of the extent to which the victim suffered? 

Would you like the degree of suffering of the victim to increase the sentence or not?

Should it make a difference with murder?  Should a really good assassin get a lower sentence than one doing an apprenticeship?

Should it make a difference with murder?  Should a really good assassin get a lower sentence than one doing an apprenticeship?

The overall sentence (life) should be the same. I think someone who tortures someone to death over an extended period should get a longer minimum sentence than someone who killed instantly

I don't disagree with the analysis, I would have accepted the 2 criticisms of the judge's decision, but concluded that the original sentence was nevertheless appropriate