"If restaurants had reflected the increased 'costs they face' in the past year

a simple side salad would be priced at £20," Mr Williams said, adding that beer would be £20 per pint, and a small steak would be £100.

Isn't that what these things cost in Gaucho already?


yeah its bullshit anyway, that is based on traditional percentages that make up final cost of a meal.  If they were actually to charge that they would be making huge profits.   

This aunt said "don't ask for a payrise". 

How about learn some basic monetarism and don't ludicrously overplay inflation that is passing and only existed cos you didn't do your job 2 years ago.

Also LOL @ the aunt Tesco boss blaming suppliers. Tesco made out like fooking bandits in lockdown, continuing to fook suppliers over as they have done for 20+ years.