If Labour get in again, I'm leaving the country.

Was a thing your dad used to say back in the eighties. It was just unthinkable. Not sure where we would have gone.   

Exactly 3-dux. It was a thing people's dads said as a joke when they knew it was never going to happen. Hyperbole. I don't think he ever voted tory in his life. Can't stand them either.   

musicians are a weird one, on the one hand very happy for the state to carve them out a perpetual monopoly on stringing a tune together, on the other very against paying for the protection

Phil Collins is not likely going anywhere these days, that’s anno domini for you Noel, and that’s Latin you can Google it.

Is anyone here rich enough to be able to leave Blighted Blighty? 

any musician does, that's how copyright works

Owning rights to a song you wrote is hardly the same as having a monopoly on songwriting. Weird way to phrase it.


Sumoking22 Mar 23 20:18



musicians are a weird one, on the one hand very happy for the state to carve them out a perpetual monopoly on stringing a tune together, on the other very against paying for the protection”

You have fellows you can ask about this. 

Yeah - leave the country... but where?  Rwanda?  Thanks to the Natural Party of Government it's a lot harder to live in the EU unless you've got an Irish passport or can afford a golden visa!  

Most types who say that are puce-faced, golf-sweater or polo=shirted spluttering Brexiteers.

Because they voted leave, there's no-where in the EU they could go (not even 'Spyne') and they can't speak other languages.

It's Ingerland that fooked, whatever Govt replaces the current one will make little different, though there will be warmer relations with the EU and fewer toys being thrown from the pram.

Any prospects for me fooking off to the S of France for ever  thanks to sieteocho's Dad are fooked.

For anyone wanting to fly, have an up-to-date passport, get other ID papers and certificates together, bank cards, and a few thousand quid in cash. One wishes one could do that, like Robert De Niro's character in Heat.


Paul o Grady anecdote. My wife's cousin was a nurse looking after o Grady when he had some sort of heart complaint. What's he bitching about. Still alive ain't he?