I see Heffalump has been taking a keen interest in the Wimbledon school car crash thing
Sir Woke XR Re… 08 Aug 23 09:11
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Seems weird as if it was a genuine "medical incident" a quick check of her medical records for e.g. epilepsy or some blood tests to determine e.g. a heart attack would quickly put the matter to bed.

Perhaps they are waiting for some medical expert's opinion on whether medical compulsion to text is a known serious ailment. 

quite hard to disprove a seizure. you don't necessarily need a history of epilepsy to suddenly have a seizure. though you would typically expect a slow recovery to normality. if she was immediately out of the car, talking to police etc. that would make it less probable

the chances of charges ever being pursued here seem low

the press were reporting at the time that she’d bitten through her own tongue. Texting doesn’t make u do that (unless ur sexting risky).