I have been on a conference call for 45 mins

I have no idea what this fellow is talking about. He's a well meaning German. He is asking about us sending him confirmation of our support. He is outlining the "pricing model".  Commission. Gold, silver and standard package (why not bronze, you inconsistent bastard?). Remuneration and admin costs.  Cost to achieve. Deliverables, opportunity costs and dividends.

I have no idea whatsoever what the pricing model is for, what I would be confirming support for or the subject of this call, even in general. The invite is unclear. There is no pre-reading. This is hilarious. Perhaps I am invited in error.

When he stops talking (he hasn't yet taken a breath) he is likely to ask if there are any questions. Would it be rude of me to chime in with a "yeah, I have a question - what the fook are you talking about?".

Heh @ "standard package".

my m7 dave years ago brought some saffa bird back he'd picked up in strawberry moons.  as was the way of me and my five house mates, we had a big sunday morning fry up and dissected the night's events.  Dave was dismayed by the fact that the yahpie had been it turns out at home to mr blobby.  

"did you shag her tho" asked my m7 Rob

"ohh yeh" said dave

"presumably you didnt go down on her tho" said my m7 Chris


What was in the deluxe package is alas lost to history

Video conferences can be interesting too. In the early days we were trying to connect with an international office, only to be confronted with a roomful of senior Japanese business people on the screen. Nothing to do with us, crossed wires.

Someone asked what we should do now. Hide, as someone said in Independence Day. Or pull the plug, which is what a quick thinking person did.

Be my guest. when it did work, some of them were funny too. Who's that bloke wandering in and out? They appear to be ordering a catered three course meal with wine. I guess that's what they do in Rome.