
We've launched a new app called LawyerUp, available on the App Store and Google Play.

Please do download it and let us know what you think.

You describe your position by picking options from a handful of fields, and then leave it. There’s no need to do a CV - it's very low effort and takes under 30 seconds.

You’re anonymous to firms and companies using LawyerUp, who notify you in the app when they have a role they think you might like. You can dismiss their approach, or tap to hear more details.

You don't need to be looking to move to be on LawyerUp - perhaps you're just curious to know who else wants to employ you, or how much other businesses would pay you.

You can read more about LawyerUp here

Give it a whirl and let us know what you think, particularly when employers start getting in touch, at [email protected].
