Harry Windsor - what a pathetic man he is
Old Git Roundabout 19 Jan 24 19:50
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Beginning of the end. 

But whines he has to find out stuff about his dad from the press because he won’t pick the phone up.  Turns out Will didn’t make it to Balmoral in time either but he hasn’t written a book about it.

Bit of a ledge who earned his medals.

Hot wife who he chose personally.

Winds up all the most regressive people

Johnny Mercer does all of those, but much better. 

Doesn't mean he's not a bit of a tosser. 

I thought Mercer came across as a bit of a cock on that channel 4 prison thing even . Completely stuck up and devoid of empathy. 


And this is a show where Peter Hitchens managed to come across well so clearly it wasn't difficult to