Glyphosate / Amenity Forum

Monsanto are running a campaign to promote the use of Roundup / Glyphosate through a non-profit organisation ?…

Quote from the article:

"Support for glyphosate is being led by the Amenity Forum, a group whose members include Monsanto and its parent company Bayer, which both help fund the organisation and have written advice articles for its newsletter. At least one council, West Lothian in Scotland, decided to continue using glyphosate on the forum’s advice. In 2016 it told concerned petitioners: “We have continued to use it, based on information provided by the Amenity Forum, who are a non-profit making, independent body”."

Amenity Forum is here

They do admit to being "industry-led".  

Their website appears to break a number of rules about business names etc. but they  are registered at Companies House under 

Question for Rof:-

(1) They are obviously a vehicle for the industry's interests.  

(2) They are funded by the industry to promote the use of the industry's products. 

(3) Assume the company itself makes no profits and that it  is not a charity.  

(4) Are they lying when they claim to be not-for-profit ?  They are all for profit, but is is made by the sponsoring / funding company not the funded campaigning company.  




Question for Rof:-

(1) They are obviously a vehicle for the industry's interests.  YES (this is not a question though)

(2) They are funded by the industry to promote the use of the industry's products. YES (also not a question)

(3) Assume the company itself makes no profits and that it  is not a charity.  YES (are you going to ask a question?) 

(4) Are they lying when they claim to be not-for-profit ?  They are all for profit, but is is made by the sponsoring / funding company not the funded campaigning company.  The funded campaigning company does not make a profit. (sort of a question I guess)