Gaza “being pushed into the abyss” says UN, without actually doing anything about it
Sir Woke XR Re… 15 Oct 23 10:50
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what are these words worth? Blockade-running humanitarian aid shipments now with full peacekeeping mission to follow immediatissimo, or STFU

Was that why the Israelis launched airstrikes against trucks full of civilians fleeing south? To help clear the only road? How thoughtful!

This incident (I assume we are talking about the same one, two open-bed trucks with civilians riding on top geo-located by the BBC) could not have been an accident. We all know from the Ukraine war footage that drones permit highly accurate identification of vehicles. This was a deliberate, targeted attack.

I mean...Israel are the ones who are launching airstrikes. It's not disputed that they have killed thousands of Palestinians in the past few days. I think it was them.

It could well be IDF and would be shockingly unforgivable if so. However, Hamas have been sending rockets daily themselves and are known to want to stop people fleeing south. I just want to know the facts before I condemn one side or the other out of hand for this particular incident.

short of an actual admission from the IDF, which will obviously never be forthcoming, how could you know for certain that it was them? I mean they are definitely engaged in the enthusiastic bombing of Gaza, but I agree it’s impossible to know for sure. it could have been Hamas. I suppose it could also have been a meteorite

The UN is of course both entirely able to stop this and entirely unable to stop this

If US UK EU countries etc all said it stops now and here is 100,000 troops to ensure a two state solution and peace, then it might work in time 

But it won't 

So UN is basically pointless 

Same as with Ukraine genocide 

I mean they are definitely engaged in the enthusiastic bombing of Gaza

And Hamas is definitely engaged in the enthusiastic demands that people not flee Gaza and thus denude their human shield capabilities.  As well as having a record for planting IEDs.

we all agree that IDF bombing has killed thousands of Gazans in the past week…but this specific incident that is on the BBC…that was actually Hamas, honest

one reason it would be good if europe had some kind of common command military unit of its own would be that europe might have the political will to send peacekeepers in to Gaza, which the US, which dominates NATO and the UN, will never support

oh laz oh laz that’s just because europeans are all massive anti-semites isn’t it 


we are talking about peacekeeping a specific territorial dispute the participants in which have been singularly unable to maintain peaceful dialogue 

sure, you’d hope that such a force, had europe the gumption to actually create what would be the world’s greatest and most reliable force for non reactionary policing of international norms, would have occupied itself in the ukezone dealing out some slap-pwn to the Russians. However, no reason it a manpower could not be expanded.