Gavin Williamson

christ almighty.  He completely fooked up in his stint as education secretary.  All of johnson's thick and useless appointees will be rewarded for the rest of their lives. 

"Sir" Gavin Williamson to Chief Whip complaining he hadn't been invited to the Queen's funeral: 

R to C 15:59: “think very poor how PCs who arent favoured have been excluded from the funeral. Very poor and sends a very clear message”  

C to R 1601: “That is not the case…”  

R to C 16:02: “Well certainly looks it which think is very shit and perception becomes reality.”  

R to C 16:03: “Also don’t forget I know how this works so don’t puss me about”  

C to R 16:15: “As I said above – thats simply not the case …. The number of places allocated was extremely limited”  

R to C 16:21: “its very clear how you are going to treat a number of us which is very stupid and you are showing fook all interest in pulling things together. Don’t bother asking anything from me”  

R to C 16:22: “also this shows exactly how you have rigged it is is [sic] disgusting you are using her death to punish people who are just supportive, absolutely disgusting”  

C to R 16:47: “…, again, this is not the case whatsover”

R to C 17:01: “Well lets see how many more times you fook us all over. There is a price for everything” 

Yes, well you may ask. Possibly it’s that a certain sort is attracted to “politics” precisely because it’s so indulged in this way. And once there it’s a private club. Absolute state. 

Gav thinks he's an attack dog. But in reality he's a mendacious chihuahua p1ssing and sh1tting on the carpet of life. Should have been drop kicked long ago but by whom? Let he who is without etc. All the better angels were expunged as not sufficiently slavvering at the thought of/desirous of endorsement by the Tufton St massif. 

2.24 Thirdly, and in essence a repeat of the first point, the Commissioner failed to take into consideration the tone of the language and the obscenities used. He accepted the respondent’s evidence that he meant “push” rather than “puss” in the text timed at 16:03 without giving reasons for doing so, ignoring the Independent Investigator’s record of the evidence that she had thought Sir Gavin meant “piss” rather than “puss”. In our opinion the determination of whether the respondent meant “piss” or “push” rather than “puss” has no material bearing on whether or not the respondent’s behaviour constituted an abuse or misuse of his power.

My favourite bit.

‘he meant “push” rather than “puss” in the text timed at 16:03 without giving reasons for doing so, ignoring the Independent Investigator’s record of the evidence that she had thought Sir Gavin meant “piss” rather than “puss”’