Florence + The Machine is the Dido of our times, no?
Sir Woke XR Re… 31 May 22 08:04
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Hugely fashionable but ultimately dull.

Sam Fender, meanwhile, is a Geordie reincarnation of Billy Joel - can’t believe this hasn’t been more widely observed.

Is Billy Joel a good or a bad thing?

I am seeing Sam Fender soon and want to check (by inverse reference to your contrary opinions) whether I'm going to enjoy it.

Florence started in around 2009

That was nearer the prime of Dido than it is to today.

Your claim is somewhat dated 

Fender reminds me somewhat of Springsteen and it is a novelty to hear an unsoftened Geordie accent in song

FATM were way better than Dido.

I went to the launch of her first album at Bloomsbury Ballroom, 2009, was a great gig tbf. Cheered me up no end after Man Utd lost the CL final to Barca earlier that night.

On a similarly musical note. Is rock’s greatest secret that nearly all Foo Fighters album tracks are shit? Consummate singles band, among their many traits.

Fender is good on the way things from childhood linger, stay with you. eg the bit in Seventeen Going Under about the boy who beat up his friend, or possibly little brother, and how he was too scared to do anything then but would still love to exact revenge with a good smack now, years later. Resonant.

The clappy rhythm and yappy vocals of that song are very very Joel. And the “woah-oh” stuff. It’s generally quite eighties in terms of arrangement.

For Foo Fighters that rule only applies firmly from One by One onwards. And tbh it often applies even to the singles later on.


A few hidden gems on Nothing Left to Lose and Colour and Shape for sure