Fitted shirts and armpit sweat

I always wonder why men go for the ultra-fitted look when this is the price they have to pay. And don't tell me the solution is a t-shirt underneath. I'd rather wear underpants inside my underpants. Are you American or something? What is wrong with you?

It's not the cut, it's the size. Men who are somewhat fit tend to buy too small.

Same for fat guys who lost some weight and then wear shirts two sizes too small to show how muchy slimmer they have become.

My m7 dave when living in the far east tried shaving his pits to combat this.  It didnt stop the sweating, but it did cause much itching.  He then discovered these sort of pit tampon things. He still imports them from japan to get him thru the english summer.

Some of us just sweat a lot. A LOT. 
Always have. Always will. I think I’m probably part Eskimo. Even uk temps are too high for me.

the point is: don’t be a sweatist. Do better. 

a friend uses his 2 months interning on wall street as an excuse to wear the t shirt. 30 years later.


he also sweats badly. ffs. who does he think he's kidding. it's irked me for 15 years.


finally a safe space to express my "WTF"

Definitely prefer relaxed fit and being able to eat and breathe during the day.  Still get sweaty pits at times but they dry out quickly in an air conditioned office.