Favourite words

I love the word crepuscular, don’t know why, just sounds musical to me and perfectly describes the fading light and feeling of coziness.

Do you have any attachment to random words?

Rather than words I have a few phrases that seem so beautifully crafted that they hang around in my head. There is a line in a Larkin poem

'Man hands on misery to man.

It deepens like a coastal shelf.'

And there is something about it deepening like a coastal shelf that I've never quite been able to forget, so whenever I'm doing something I'm really not enjoying it comes to mind.

I believe that "Pavement" was voted the most aesthetically pleasing word at some point in the late 90s, for the way it rolls off the tongue. I have to admit to a fondness for it.

Also "Caterpillar" as said by a swedish ex-girlfriend.

Otherwise, nowadays, my favourite words are "Taylor", "Swift" and "wine?"