Do you reckon consultancy firms are ever embarrassed at being such massive bullshyt merchants?

Vampirising society for their enrichment 

the main reason (only reason)is to get costs off your accounts and then for the deciding exec to exit before the chickens come home to roost

"what do you mean they don't actually know what they're talking about and now we've sacked all our expert staff???"

My brief time working for one persuaded me it's largely style over substance.  No Sails remove this actual factual information from your slides and replace it with this chart that isn't relevant to the subject but demonstrates we can take information from Bloomberg and put it through Excel to make a pretty graph.

If a large business doesn't have the staff to run itself effectively without input from consultancies,that seems to me to indicate that they have the wrong people in charge.

The other thing to bear in mind is that most businesses don't engage a management consultant because they want answers. The decision has been made and it’s just part of selling it internally. They don’t really give arse what the management consultant says and rightly so. 

Yes I once saw a copy of a presentation prepared by one where they'd managed to stretch "do a sale and leaseback" to over 15 pages full of "but your lawyer will need to confirm this".  I could have produced the same in half a hour for a fraction of the cost and it wouldn't have run to more than one page.