Did the Tories peak too early on the trans non-issue?

it was so big about 6 months ago, but no-one cares now.  Shame.  

They tried to really push it at the conference, but if backfired when that LGBTQ guy was so disgusted he quietly protested and was forcibly ejected by the police.

Remind me which side are the fashes again?

"The Trans issue" is actually "The women's rights issue".  Fundamentally, many women don't think men should be allowed to call themselves women and access women-only spaces, no matter what certificate they have, what surgery they have, or what medicines they take.  

The GRA enacted the lie which gave birth to the whole issue.  The conflation of sex and gender should never have happened.  Gender should be treated like the religion it is, and gender identity should be (a) a protected characteristic and (b) self-IDd in the same way as being Muslim - it's a belief.  But there should be a number of circumstances where sex matters and a person's sex alone determines whether they can access certain spaces such as prisons, rape shelters, sports.

The GRA should be repealed, and gender identity self-ID should be introduced, with the protections described above.  We should never have formalised the lie that humans can change sex, either biologically or legally.  It isn't the same fiction as adoption, which involves no risk of harm to others.