Bitcoin Price

A few months ago the news was full of bitcoin and other cypto currencies.  People were mortgaging homes etc.

So bitcoin has been on a downward spiral for a while and has now consistently broken $4000.

As it's been going down, the pundits have been consistent in calling bottom early. it won't break $6000, $5000 $4000 etc and then it will back up to $20k by Christmas.

Serious question to Struandirk etc... with Bitcoin (I don't own any by the way).... does anyone know what is going on?






Clergs.... that sounds like my level of knowledge (google)... Struan etc were all over this with "have you seen this coming out" and "I'm getting into that"... like it was their day job (which it might be!)...

Bitcoin doesn't seem to be behaving as people said... so I wanted some predictions.. There are the "IT'S JUST A BLIP £250K BY NEXT TUESDAY" to "It's a fundamental issue because Bitcoin relies on security and if less people are using the whizzy computers cos it's not worth it, it's more vunerable to cyber attack"

So... just asking cos I'm stuck at work and totally knackered.  I can't leave until about 6.30 cos of traffic.


Doggers I think that youll find all of rof’s resident crypto specialists got out of bitcoin at the top of the market and are now ploughing their significant gains into various new cryptocurrencies, looking to make yet $$$