Best thread about London

Best pub? 

Best restaurant in [part of London]? 

Tube line etc

That one about City Airport

London in Spring

London in Summer

London in Autumn

Getting away from London for the weekend 

Moving away from London (ans: Bristol or Bath)


"My flat in Clapham"

Schools in London

Zones and that




Best place to get stabbed.

Best place to get robbed.

Borough with most open drug-dealing.

Borough with most  homelessness.

Borough with most uncollected rubbish.

Borough with most puke on the pavements.

Borough with most affrays inside/outside pubs.

Borough with most idiot drivers playing booming music.

Best place to pay too much for a drink?

Best Borough to rent a broom cupboard for 50 to 60 per cent of one's salary?

Best place for pollution/ poor air quality

Most crowded tube line.

Smelliest tube station.

Borough or street with most dirt-caked pavements

Bentobox m88 pls feel free to start a similar thread about Hull or Pontefract - I would genuinely enjoy this but obviously lack the relevant knowledge myself.