Anyone here got a clue about immigration law?
Asturias Es Mi… 01 Nov 23 18:42
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I have a nephew interested in it as a practice area and I have essentially zero up to date pp knowledge 

Lots of bulk work at bucket shops, or done by cannon fodder at larger places, much smaller volume high end work mostly done by high end private client firms or immig boutiques (the bit that doesn’t do bucket volume)  Rules utterly tedious, no harm in doing bulk work to learn stuff - as for any practice area as you’ll appreciate - but can be very tricky. And then you’ve got to deal with UKBA or the Home Office, not something you’d wish on people you really hate tbf. probably the best way to get a feel is to volunteer at a charity or law centre that does it.

What Bertha said. Only a tiny handful make any money. They are doing stuff for corporates or UHNW types (not infrequently UHNW types of somewhat dubious character as well). 

For the rest there is fvck all money and completely mental, deeply tedious and often contradictory and non-sensical rules. Plus it's very often heart breaking I imagine. 


I used to know someone who did the very top end stuff and, as you can probably imagine, there is money there but some of the people for whom you might act are not necessarily ones you’d be be pleased to introduce to your aged mother

I did corporate immigration for about 3-4 years.  You can earn good money at it but once you know how to fill in a work permit form it's fairly tedious and repetitive. I did do some interesting showbiz related stuff, however (got a US visa for Robbie Coltrane so he could do an advert for a bank, plus some other stuff).  Also dealing with the work permit people in Sheffield was OK but dealing with the Home Office in Croydon or the US INS was total grief.  

At the other end of the market, asylum work can be very interesting but pays buttons on the client side, what with your average refugee having sfa moneywise.

TBH I’m tempted to say; you’re dad’s going to bankroll you whatever so go for it but if I we’re looking at it long term I’d at least consider retooling as a barrister (pun intended) so that after the years of graft on f all money you will at least end up  having some sort of sort of sellable commodity that can be useful / provides some sort of pension (senior advocate=arbitrator =judge)