Among us
Wang's Upon a Time 17 Jan 24 22:51
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It is cold this week, as those of you who are not housebound may have noticed.


So the other day, I bit the bullet and decided to buy myself some long johns.  Thermal.


So snug.


As is my wont, I sent messages to a few of my mates, explaining my decision to become a victorian gentleman.  I fully expected much derision and ridicule.


To a man, they confessed that they too were sporters of gentlemen's long hosiary.  All of them.  I feel like I have accidentally gained membership to a secret society.


So ladies, be warned when you are out merving at the chapsteriors wandering this country.  They are probably secretly wearing absolutely massive pants.  And reveling in the knowledge that their old peculiars are being kept safe from the harsh ravishes of the northern climate.