America, of course ...
PerfidiousPorpoise 14 Mar 23 08:56
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I think they said it was very likely someone would be prosecuted for failure to secure a weapon. No idea what the punishment for that is.  I obviously don't know exactly what happened here but it is fairly common for people in the states (at least in some communities) to keep a loaded weapon in their bedside drawer.  They said there were 5 adults and 2 kids there.  Maybe they were visiting friends who didn't have kids and just didn't think/expect the kids to go in their bedroom? Not an excuse obviously but you can see how it could happen. 

A press story I read said something like: "Somehow the 3 year old got hold of a loaded handgun and shot her sister."

I'm absolutely positive that the so-called Founding Fathers would have been horrified by a headline like that but apparently their Second Amendment cannot be interpreted in any other way.

This has reminded me of the time I found a loaded pistol in my grandfather’s bedside table. Thankfully I was a clever enough child not to mess with it. fooking hell though.

I stayed with a friend in the US who had a few guns in his house. I asked why he needed them. 'In case the British invade, its in the Constitution'. He smiled, hmm ok.

He showed me them. I picked up a Smith & Wesson and a Glock (unloaded). They are heavy, it must have taken a pretty strong three year old.

Then he locked them up in a cabinet and handed the beers around.

Welcome to America.