Alcohol definitely makes Ur skin look worse doesn't it


Well Iā€™m teetotal and I had that skin analysis thing done from Boots a couple of months ago, and the lady said I had the skin of someone a decade younger.


Yes definitely. I am well into my extended binge while I wait for a rehab slot to free up. I am looking (and feeling) like one of those zombies from the Walking Dead or 28 Days Later.

Last week I kept getting compliments on how nice my skin looked

Today it has revertedĀ 

I did have a lot yesterday but over the course of many hours


I guess the scandi life is going to have to include those home made sodas in lieu of winez

Despite being an enthusiastic drinker, I am usually assumed to be younger than I am. I attribute this to a sunny and youthful disposition. Could you try that at all?