AI is going to lose a lot of people their jobs

But perhaps nor quite in the way they thought it might...…

I would quite like my job to be replaced by AI. We just need to have quite an urgent and open-minded discussion about distribution of wealth. Also maybe incentivise people to breed a bit less. 

I had the misgortune to be at the launch of a decent sized firm's AI tool.  Some keeno from the audience was chosed to ask it a finace question.  

On the big screen, after some time watching a swirly clock face, and some more time being enchanted by a blank screen whilst the presenter awkwardly said things like "it's normally quicker" and "must be experiencing high query volume today. hah.  HAH." We were treated to three quarters of a page of prose as inpenetrable as a thomas hardy scene setting.

The compulsion to shout "PARKLIFE" was almost uncontainable

Was  the answer right though Wang? Did it basically say finance is rubbish, especially in big law and the only acceptable thing for someone with finance law on hteir mind to do is sack it off in favour of doing a World Clas MBA ?