Accused of racism

After expressing mild irritation about having to repeat an order 3 times at a 'tap house', the manager accused me of being racist and banned me. The lady behind the bar was white FAOD.

Is this sort of thing normal in London? He said their staff reflect the diversity of the local area. I'm cool with that, I'd just prefer they spoke reasonable English.

Or am I a massive Nazi in denial?

are you English? English Londoners are the WORST for this sort of insolence. I can chat with an Indian guy and a lady from Jamaica and a kid from Belfast and we all get along fine and then some twot from southend pops up and it's all "pardon? pardon?" YOU learn English!

McDonald's intercom incomprehensible 

Understand better in Spain, and it's not their language 

Moron on radio this morning  invited people to his poo party because he couldn't be arsed to pronounce the final l

All this multi culti stuff is rubbish. London's full of these silly people. Apart from the lad form Southend, who's probably a real Londoner at heart but white flight etc.

I wouldn't lump religious discrimination and racism together. Theres a difference between believing in a hierarchy of races and hating people who of another religion.

I suppose they all boil down to tribalism but it's lazy thinking if you don't make a distinction.

I nearly had a moment like this at the wekend, collecting a parcel from a click and collect shop, the lady kept asking “what time is it coming?” And I kept replying “It’s already here” (i had the text), over and over, until I realised she was actually asking “what time did it come?” We were both getting angsty.

Yeah, I would like to know more about the "expressions of mild irritation" before I come to a conclusion on this one.

Was it a blustering "Bloody country's going to the dogs!" type cringe-fest or did you just tut and mumble "fuxache" under your breath?

“I wouldn't lump religious discrimination and racism together. Theres a difference between believing in a hierarchy of races and hating people who of another religion”

Conceptually there is, functionally there isn’t. When Islamophobes defend themselves against charges of racism, they are missing the blindingly obvious point. It doesn’t matter whether Islam is a race; religious prejudice is functionally exactly the same as racism, does exactly the same damage and is exactly the same kind of wrong. So who cares if there’s a semantic distinction.

Was it a blustering "Bloody country's going to the dogs!" type cringe-fest or did you just tut and mumble "fuxache" under your breath?

Far more middle class than that. I left an online review.

Fred Titmus25 Nov 19 11:57

I wouldn't lump religious discrimination and racism together. There's a difference between believing in a hierarchy of races and hating people who of another religion.

You might want to look up the definition of "race" under the Equality Act 2010. Or consider anthropological definitions a little more up to date than what was fashionable in the 17th century.


Conceptually there is, functionally there isn’t.

That's true, but I think society should do more to nail down discrimination but identifying it properly. Screaming 'racist' at everything lessens the impact IMO.

"I don't think Hitler was that bothered if a Jew was practising or not. It was very much a race issue."


Not sure that Ratko Mladić really cared about whether or not the Muslims of Srebrenica ate pork or drank slivovica

They have Fred.  It's called the Equality Act 2010.  It's still got its flaws, but if you are claiming you can't be racist against a white person, you need a much more basic level of remediation before we worry about nuanced arguments.

Obviously need to see exact wording that got you barred but my working assumption is if a business bars a paying customer for being racist they were probably being racist

I said the place was let down by the poor English of their staff, particularly that we had to repeat our order 3 times. I praised the ales.

The landlord went on a rant about being proud of diversity etc.

It's hardly uncommon for waiting staff in the UK not to have English as their first language, or to have to repeat yourself when ordering in a busy pub or restaurant even if they do 

You were being a twot 

If I worked in Spain and tried taking orders using my A level Spanish, and people got annoyed when I asked them to repeat (twice) what they said, would that be reasonable?

No, it wouldn't.

Follow this easy guide;

1. Are you white?

2. Were you accused of racism?

How did you answer?

1. No 2. No - Not racist

1. No 2. Yes - Not racist

1. Yes 2. Yes - Racist

1. Yes 2. No - Racist, AND in denial.

So in answer to the question "is it ok to expect people in customer service to speak reasonable English?", the answer is "no, you turbo-charged racist".

*goose-steps off thread*

Sorry, but I am still struggling with the factual matrix here.

You're OP "After expressing mild irritation about having to repeat an order 3 times at a 'tap house', the manager accused me of being racist and banned me. The lady behind the bar was white FAOD."

You're non white?

You seem to be suffering from the post modern tendency to think that you can eliminate racism by pretending there's no dux thing as race, eliminate sexism by pretending not to know what sex is etc etc 

In any event you sound chippy and I'd have chucked you out too 


I have always found it a good rule of thumb, which has so far allowed me to stay in any bar I go into until I want to leave voluntarily, not to be a twot.

This sort of thing pisses me off. 


I am not sure how this is racist at all


Racism, to me, is when judgements are made about a person because of their ethnicity.


Someone from e.g. India, not speaking English is just "a thing" and being annoyed at that "thing" does not make one racist. 


If your phone got switched to polish so you couldnt read anything and that made you annoyed that wouldnt mane you racist.


If it was a robot that took your order and it kept misunderstanding you that would be wouldnt make you Robotist 



It is a Something of a tradition for serving staff not to speak well the language of the country they are in.  If you are not a khunt you show a bit of patience realising  that they will soon pick up enough to do their jobs well.  This is the basis on which many brita abroad who needless to say can’t speak the local language get hired 

It is a Something of a tradition for serving staff not to speak well the language of the country they are in.  If you are not a khunt you show a bit of patience realising  that they will soon pick up enough to do their jobs well.  This is the basis on which many brita abroad who needless to say can’t speak the local language get hired 

I agree Guy but if those being served by the Brit struggling in whatever language got a bit annoyed at having to repeat themselves to him, I would not call them 'racist'.

While I have every sympathy with the OP (I agree that this is an irritant in modern London), I nonetheless now have an image of Fred as a flat-capped northerner who "speaks his mind" going on holibobs to Spain and shouting in English "Hurry up and full these glasses up, Pedro!" at some poor overworked waiter.