The 80 yr old woman who was tried for murder

After surviving a suicide pact with her terminally ill 82 yr old husband

How the actual fook was that in the public interest? What is wrong with policy twots?

The jury unanimously acquitted

But imagine waking up in hospital alone having failed to kill yourself then being arrested charged and prosecuted for the death of your life partner who had chosen his death freely


They seem to have suggested that her husband couldn't have taken the drugs himself and didn't have the mental capacity to agree to her giving him something and so on that basis she had duped him into dying.

The answer is simple:  make assisted suicide legal.  It use to happen all the time and everyone turned a blind eye.  Then Dr Shipman fooked it up for everyone, the selfish bastard.

That's bollocks.  The problem is that the Police and the CPS decided that they had to be seen to be doing something about it post-Shipman.  So they drew up guidelines which made it impossible for even the "legit" cases to be defensible.  And the courts have gone along with that approach, which is completely reprehensible.

It's another example of the decline of professionalism.

People used to trust professionals and professionals respected that trust and acted to the best of their ability.

This gave professionals an independence of thought, voice and action that the authoritarian elite didn't like.  So they have replaced professional judgement with box ticking, which has inevitably led to disasters all over the place with innocent people being pilloried because they made sensible decisions but filled out the form wrong, and blameworthy villains escaping because they ticked the right boxes

Isn't the role of the trial to establish exactly what the facts are? The post acquittal assumption that the facts which led to acquittal were firmly established prior to trial is always something which makes people jump up and shout "how on earth was this in the public interest, it was obvious she wasn't guilty, she was acquitted!"