Squire, Sanders & Dempsey - that's the firm formerly known as Hammonds - has set a new record for graduate recruitment ineptitude by taking the best part of two years to reject a training contract applicant.

Last week, RollOnFriday reported on the hard-working HR staff at Latham & Watkins, who were so diligent they were able to turn round TC applications overnight. That's not, apparently, how it works at SSD.

The wannabe solicitor submitted an electronic training contract application form way back in the mists of May 2009. And - no doubt - spent sleepless nights waiting for an invite to an interview to ping into their inbox. Sadly, nothing arrived.

Until this week, when our hero was somewhat surprised to receive the following communication:

To: Desperate training contract hunter
From: Squire Sanders & Dempsey

Please accept our apologies for the delay in responding to your application for a training contract with Squire, Sanders and Dempsey.

Hammonds and Squire Sanders Dempsey combined on 1 January 2011 to create a new top tier global legal practice. Having considered the firm's graduate recruitment requirements post merger, we are no longer recruiting for training contracts commencing in 2011 or 2012.

If you wish to apply, please visit our website http://trainees.ssd.com/ and follow the links to the online application form. We are unable to accept CVs, so although we have received a previous application from you, we will still require you to complete the online form.

Kind regards

Graduate Team for Squire Sanders & Dempsey (UK) LLP

So that's only two years to turn round the application - perhaps HR are still busy tracking down the phantom shoe-pisser.

A spokeswoman for the firm said "the error relating to the training contract application was due to an unfortunate communication glitch. We believe that the trainee applicant concerned had already received an earlier email from the firm. We are currently comparing our 2009 outreach with the automated message in order to apologise to the individual concerned for the error and for any inconvenience caused".
Tip Off ROF
