A dead mouse has been found in the drawer of a paralegal at Morgan Cole's Bristol office. And dark rumours are circulating that it might have been left there deliberately.

An email was sent around the office yesterday, saying that the "mouse police" had been called and that food should not be left in offices unless in sealed containers. And apparently even that isn't entirely safe as "mice are quite nifty with their teeth so cardboard, paper and some plastics are no problem".

    The mouse police yesterday 

Morgan Cole is not alone in suffering rodent problems - screams have been heard from Hogan Lovells and the College of Law. But it seems there may also be a more sinister side to this matter. The email went on to tell staff that "the kitchen is checked regularly and there is nothing in there so it is very odd how one mouse appears in someone's drawer and dies - strange!"

The firm, wisely, wouldn't comment.

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