ROF Summer Drinks - Friday 23rd August

It is happening!


Good people of ROF we shall gather together at The Kings Arms on Roupell Street on Friday 23rd


- will Shooter be there with his piece concealed?

- will Abbz ever be happy about the cost of a bottle of wine in London?

- will I wear a dress that is quite revealing on the cleavage?

- will Stix let Jayerz out from the shoebox under her desk?



Depends on timing strutter, if it works out I can pop my head around the corner but I am in Vienna the following week and flying from London, as well as needing to see a few people in London that I’ve been putting off for months now.  Good to be the client.  

Anyway if it does work out I’ll let y’all know.  I’m not drinking at the moment tho, which renders it a bit pointless but there’ll be a few people it would be nice to catch up with (including your good self of course).

This thread isn’t about me it’s about Rof drinks.  I can’t stand up for long periods nor can I walk distances over 200m or so without pain.  A walking stick counts as assistance.

Bernstein, if you give me a nonny email I will photograph the bloody pip assessment results for you.  Honestly. 

It’s just tiresome stick.  Also he exaggerated, a sin of which I am of course guilty but still.  Anyway “gallivanting” off to Vienna isn’t exactly difficult, plenty of taxis available.

Also I think I mentioned the Vienna trip months ago and no one saw fit to question my ability to get a taxi to an airport back then.  He’s just trying to have a poke for pokes sake.

I shall be there - exciting times. However, my handler tells me that I technically shouldn't have told you all about the concealed carry (something to do with section 17(3) of the Firearms (Concealed Carry Concealment) Act 2016). As such, I will not be allowed to make reference to my ROF username.

I'm not saying that you should instead look out for the smart gentleman in the corner wearing 'comfortable fit' chinos, but just know that you'll have a guardian angel watching over you all that eve. A guardian angel that will (1) run, and (2) hide admittedly, but still, you're welcome.

Not having a pop. Just intrigued at the disconnect between being virtually a hospital case in Cornwall, and international businessman of the year in Austro- Hungary